BIG4 Review Publishing Policy

Reviews on

BIG4 Holiday Parks has partnered with ReviewPro to bring reviews from all over the internet to making it easier for guests to get the information they need to choose the BIG4 Holiday Park that is right for them. Each BIG4 Holiday Park’s listing on indicates the Park’s Guest Rating Score™ , as provided by ReviewPro, and individual reviews can also be viewed.

The Guest Rating Score™(GRS™) is an independent assessment of this holiday park's quality rating based upon consumer reviews from around the internet. The GRS™ is calculated by analyzing consumer from leading online travel agencies and review sites. Provided by ReviewPro, the GRS™ offers a complete and unbiased measurement of each holiday park's online reputation. ReviewPro certifies that the data presented in this quality seal is accurate and reliable.

Policy for publishing reviews

BIG4 is proud of the wonderful reputation the network has built over the past four decades. We believe guest feedback is the best measure of a park’s delivery of our brand values.

BIG4’s Policy is therefore to publish all reviews, that are provided to us by ReviewPro, there will be very few exceptions. The only exceptions to this policy include:

  • Reviews that are blank (i.e. no text). The rating is still included in the overall rating for the park but a review with no text offer you, the guest, no value.
  • Reviews that contain profanities or abuse.
  • Reviews that vilify any persons based on their religion, race or any other personal attribute.
  • Reviews that are part of a targeted, specific and sustained attack on a park.

If you have a concern over the reviews presented on please contact BIG4 on 1300 738 044..