BIG4 West Beach Parks
Adelaide, SA

Health & Safety

Here at West Beach Parks, the com­fort, safe­ty and enjoy­ment of our guests and team is our priority. 
Every day, we main­tain the high­est stan­dards of clean­li­ness and hygiene through­out our precinct to ensure a safe and stress free expe­ri­ence for all who stay, work and play with us. 

With the unprece­dent­ed chal­lenge of COVID19, we have now intro­duced a range of clean­ing pro­to­cols in addi­tion to our already thor­ough processes. 

Pub­lic spaces:
We have increased the fre­quen­cy of clean­ing and dis­in­fect­ing in all our pub­lic areas, includ­ing our camp kitchen, com­mu­nal bath­rooms, pool area and recep­tion areas. You’ll also find hand sani­tis­ers through­out the site and we have strict social dis­tanc­ing require­ments through­out the precinct. 

Guest rooms:
In addi­tion to our already rig­or­ous clean­ing process­es, addi­tion­al dis­in­fect­ing process­es have been imple­ment­ed in our guest accom­mo­da­tion. Every cab­in, eco-tent, bun­ga­low, vil­la and bath­room is cleansed after guests depart and before new guests arrive. All areas are thor­ough­ly cleaned with increased atten­tion to hard and high touch surfaces.
Behind the scenes: 
We’ve also made changes in our back of house areas. We have increased the fre­quen­cy of clean­ing and dis­in­fect­ing with a focus on high touch areas includ­ing entrances, lock­er rooms, linen rooms, bath­rooms and offices and of course food prepa­ra­tion areas. All our staff have received addi­tion­al train­ing on all clean­ing pro­ce­dures and per­son­al hygiene requirements.
West Beach Parks is a Tourism Indus­try Coun­cil South Aus­tralia accred­it­ed COVID19 Clean Prac­ticing busi­ness and is fol­low­ing all guide­lines of the Car­a­van Indus­try Asso­ci­a­tion of Australia. 

What are the BIG4 Con­di­tions of Entry?
In the best inter­est of all of our guests and staff the fol­low­ing con­di­tions of entry must be adhered to: 

  • If you or anyone travelling with you feels unwell, please stay home
  • All guests, will be required to com­plete a guest dec­la­ra­tion at check-in/ar­rival.
  • Every­one must com­ply with gov­ern­ment and Pub­lic Health Order direc­tions while on the premis­es. This includes but is not lim­it­ed to:
- 1 per­son per 4 sqm rule applies in all com­mu­nal areas such as BBQ areas, camp kitchens, laun­dries, etc.     
- Main­tain 1.5 metres phys­i­cal distancing. 
- Gath­er­ings must not exceed 10 peo­ple at any time.
  • Every­one must prac­tice good hand hygiene.

Please let us know if you don’t feel well while you are with us or if you feel unwell shortly after leaving.

Tips and Inspiration